Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do we need to give details of participants' particulars when registration is made?
Yes. Schools must upload a list of participants' particulars using the template given in the NMO∑ portal. Schools have the flexibility until the end of registration period to amend the list of participants.
2. Is NMO∑ related to Direct School Admissions (DSA)?
NMO∑ is an excellent platform for students to showcase aptitude in mathematics. Participants who show outstanding performance will be noted.
3. Is there an age limit?
As long as participants are enrolled in primary schools and are PRIMARY 5 students, age is not a criterion.
4. Can we hold the NMO∑ Competition one day earlier or later?
No. This is to ensure fairness to all participants.
5. Can participants register as individuals if their primary schools do not take part, or the school does not select them to participate?
No. Participants can only register via their respective primary schools. Please approach the school Mathematics Department for registration.
6. Will there be any refund for NMOS registration fee if participants are unable to take part in NMOS on the competition date?
There will be no refund, as the question papers and personalized optical answer sheets will have already been printed.
7. When will results be released for the NMO∑ Competition and how will it be made known?
The results for the NMO∑ Competition will be released within 10 working days after the competition date. This will be made known to the respective schools. Enquiries over the phone regarding results will not be entertained.
8. Are there samples of past year NMO∑ questions? How can I get them?
Yes. You may purchase the NMO∑ Solution Books from:
NUS Co-op @ Central Forum
12 Kent Ridge Crescent
Central Library Building
Singapore 119275